
    {\scriptsize \textcolor{darkgray}{#1}}}}}

% % Please uncomment the desired presentation scheme
% \usepackage{elpresgrayscheme}
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    \Huge \bfseries \textcolor{eptitlecolor}{Title of presentation} \par
  \vspace{1.3ex} \Large
  {\normalsize \textcolor{ephighlightcolor}{Date and place of presentation}}

\begin{psli}[Title of first slide]
This is an example of a \LaTeX\ \texttt{itemize} list 

   \item first line in an itemized list
   \item second line in an itemized list
   \item third line in an itemized list

\begin{psli}[Title of second slide\footnote{footnotes often are
      not a good idea for a presentation, better avoid them!}]

This page shows nested, ``vertically compressed'' lists using the
\texttt{citemize} and \texttt{cenumerate} environments of 

   \item first line in an itemized list
   \item second line in an itemized list
      \item first line of numbered list
      \item second line of numbered list
   \item final line in itemized list

{\small For footnotes using \LaTeX's \verb+\footnote{}+ command, 
  the \texttt{footmisc} package, providing the
  option \texttt{perpage}\footnote{this forces \LaTeX\ to start
  footnote numbers with ``1'' on each slide}
   is recommended.%
  \footnote{another option is \texttt{symbol*} which allows
  to mark footnotes  with symbols instead of numbers} \par }

\begin{psli}[Title of third slide\textsuperscript{*}]
  \begin{itemize} \item This page shows the use of footnotes 
    with the \verb+\altfnarea{}+ command
  \item Definition and use of \verb+\altfnarea{}+\textsuperscript{\dag} 
    are described in the \texttt{elpres} manual

  \altfnarea{\textsuperscript{*}This footnote comments the title;
      \textsuperscript{\dag}\texttt{altfnarea}: \textbf{alt}ernative 
      \textbf{f}oot\textbf{n}otes \textbf{area}}

\begin{psli}[Title of fourth slide]
  \item[environment name:] \texttt{cdescription}, comparable to
    \LaTeX's \texttt{des\-cription} environment
  \item[used for:] vertically compressed lists with small ``titles''
     of items

\begin{psli}[Title of fifth slide]

If justified text and hyphenation is to be suppressed, the 
\texttt{ragged2e} package may be used with the \texttt{document}
and \texttt{originalparameters} options.


\footnotesize In order to avoid an option clash, \texttt{ragged2e}
  should follow \texttt{footmisc} in the preamble, if both packages are 
  used. \par }}


\begin{psli}[A slide with two columns\textsuperscript{*}]
    The ``CTAN \TeX-lion'' drawn by Duane Bibby,
    thanks to \texttt{ctan.org}
  \altfnarea{\textsuperscript{*}using \texttt{minipage}}

\begin{psli}[Code of ``A slide with two columns'']

\begin{psli}[A slide with two columns\textsuperscript{*}]
    The ``CTAN \TeX-lion'' drawn by Duane Bibby,
    thanks to \texttt{ctan.org}
  \altfnarea{\textsuperscript{*}using \texttt{minipage}}

\begin{psli}[A slide with a logo using the \texttt{eso-pic} package]

The code for placing the logo {\scriptsize (details are explained 
in the \texttt{elpres} manual)}: 

{ \footnotesize
This makes the logo visible on the current and on all following pages.
The starred  version: {\footnotesize \verb+\AddToShipoutPictureBG*{}+
} shows the picture on the current slide only.

  A final page written with the \textcolor{ephighlightcolor}{\texttt{rsli}}

\item This slide type is intended to be used for freely arranged text and

\item In contrast to \textcolor{ephighlightcolor}{\texttt{psli}}-slides, the
  contents are \emph{not} centered vertically.